
基督教歌曲推荐:IL DIVO伴苏格兰风笛演绎《Amazing Grace》

由约翰·牛顿创作于18世纪的《Amazing Grace》是美国最脍炙人口的一首乡村福音歌曲,多国名人明星都曾演唱过,其中较为经典的版本有海利·韦斯特娜及茱迪·柯林斯版等。但小编将为您推荐的并不是这二人,而是糅合了苏格兰风笛,由IL DIVO(美声男伶)乐团演绎的版本。

该乐团诞生于2003年12月,成员包括拥有歌剧演唱硕士学位的美国籍男高音David Miller、具有多年专辑制作历炼的法国籍声乐天才Sebastien Izambard、具备七年的清唱剧演出经验的瑞士籍男高音Urs Buhler、曾与著名女高音卡芭叶同台演唱的首席男中音Carols Marin。


Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now I'm found,

Was blind but now I see.

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear,

The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares

We have already come

T'was grace that brought us safe thus far

And grace will lead us home.

When we've been there ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun;

We've no less days to sing god's praise

Than when we first begun.


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